
Showing posts from June, 2019

Varicose Veins Symptoms, Causes and Effects

What are veins? Veins are blood vessels that carry blood from your body's tissues to your heart. The heart pumps blood to your lungs to pick up oxygen. The oxygen-rich blood flows through tiny blood vessels called capillaries, where it gives up its oxygen to the body's tissues. Your blood then returns to your heart through your vein. What causes varicose veins? When the blood vessel walls weaken, veins swell causing blood to back up and pool inside the vein. Normally, blood flows through the vein in one direction toward the heart. Varicose veins become a new route for blood to flow. What are the symptoms of varicose veins? Symptoms usually appear before the age of 40 and might include: Swollen, twisted clusters of purple or blue veins Swollen legs, ankles, and feet Muscle cramps, throbbing, soreness, or aching in the legs Legs that feel "heavy" Soreness behind the knee Itching around the vein Leg muscles that tire easily Brown discoloration of th